Your name in chinese Haon

How is Haon written in chinese?

Haon in simplified chinese:


Haon in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Haon in chinese?

Haon transcribed to pinyin:

hào ēn

Pronunciation of Haon in chinese:

Picture of the name Haon in chinese:

The name Haon in chinese characters

Meaning of Haon characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
great, numerous, vast, abundant
kindness, mercy, charity

Example sentences that contain Haon in chinese:

Haon and Forrest are very good friends


hàoēn hé āgān shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Haon is studying spanish


hàoēn zhèngzài xuéxí xībānyáyǔ

Haon now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Zenseirt 曾赛尔特
Dama 大妈
Ya Zhen Ni 雅珍妮
Estefano 埃斯特法诺
Arumy 阿鲁米
Obito 带土
Mirabelle 米拉贝尔
Anitha 安妮莎
Artist 艺术家
Jeffersson 杰佛逊

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