Your name in chinese Hartley

How is Hartley written in chinese?

Hartley in simplified chinese:


Hartley in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Hartley in chinese?

Hartley transcribed to pinyin:

hā tè lì

Pronunciation of Hartley in chinese:

Picture of the name Hartley in chinese:

The name Hartley in chinese characters

Meaning of Hartley characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
sound of laughter
special, unique, distinguished
gains, advantage, profit, merit

Example sentences that contain Hartley in chinese:

Hartley's friend has five televisions


hātèlì de péngyǒu yǒu wǔ tái diànshì

Hartley is studying japanese


hātèlì zhèngzài xuéxí rìyǔ

Hartley now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Hartley in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Eglantine 伊格兰汀
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Janky 扬基
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Berenice 贝雷尼斯
Weraan 韦兰
Lissandro 利桑德罗
Edithsa 伊迪莎
Avianna 安娜

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