Your name in chinese Heavenly
How is Heavenly written in chinese?
Heavenly in simplified chinese:
Heavenly in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Heavenly in chinese?
Heavenly transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Heavenly in chinese:
Picture of the name Heavenly in chinese:

Meaning of Heavenly characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
天 | sky, heaven; god, celestial |
堂 | hall; government office |
Example sentences that contain Heavenly in chinese:
Heavenly is studying italian
Heavenly's favorite color is black
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Meryl | 梅丽尔 |
Nio | 蔚来 |
Kasandra | 卡桑德拉 |
Salomon | 所罗门 |
Jayda | 贾达 |
Seya | 濑谷 |
Rosemaine | 罗斯曼 |
Jerin | 杰林 |
Liese | 莉丝 |
Tiphanie | 蒂芬妮 |