Your name in chinese Hedilson

How is Hedilson written in chinese?

Hedilson in simplified chinese:


Hedilson in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Hedilson in chinese?

Hedilson transcribed to pinyin:

hè dí ěr sēn

Pronunciation of Hedilson in chinese:

Picture of the name Hedilson in chinese:

The name Hedilson in chinese characters

Meaning of Hedilson characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
bright, radiant, glowing
enlighten, advance; progress
you; that, those; final particle
forest; luxuriant vegetation

Example sentences that contain Hedilson in chinese:

Hedilson has given nine books a Ningning


hèdíěrsēn gěi níngníng sòngle jiǔ běn shū

Hedilson's friend has nine books


hèdíěrsēn de péngyǒu yǒu jiǔ běn shū

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Memon 备忘录
Canfolombia 加拿大
Sam Carter 山姆·卡特
Keigan 基干
Jean Remy 让·雷米
Young Thug 年轻的暴徒
Mariam Leonela 玛丽亚姆·莱奥内拉
Godfried 戈弗里德
Nama 纳马
Kaja 卡亚

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