Your name in chinese Hedilson

How is Hedilson written in chinese?

Hedilson in simplified chinese:


Hedilson in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Hedilson in chinese?

Hedilson transcribed to pinyin:

hè dí ěr sēn

Pronunciation of Hedilson in chinese:

Picture of the name Hedilson in chinese:

The name Hedilson in chinese characters

Meaning of Hedilson characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
bright, radiant, glowing
enlighten, advance; progress
you; that, those; final particle
forest; luxuriant vegetation

Example sentences that contain Hedilson in chinese:

Hedilson has given ten books a Anggi


hèdíěrsēn gěi ānjí sòngle shí běn shū

Hedilson's favorite color is red


hèdíěrsēn zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì hóngsè

Hedilson now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Osmar 奥斯马尔
Divya 迪维亚
Nemesio 内梅西奥
Marie Gabrielle 玛丽·加布里埃尔
Marie Renee 玛丽·蕾妮
Samuels 塞缪尔
Efaz 埃法兹
Kassidy 卡西迪
Estefani 埃斯特法尼
Felisa 费莉莎

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