Your name in chinese Hehe
How is Hehe written in chinese?
Hehe in simplified chinese:
Hehe in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Hehe in chinese?
Hehe transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Hehe in chinese:
Picture of the name Hehe in chinese:

Meaning of Hehe characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
嘿 | be silent, be quiet |
嘿 | be silent, be quiet |
Example sentences that contain Hehe in chinese:
Hehe wants to go to USA
Hehe is studying russian
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Choy Koo | 崔九 |
Rumualdo | 鲁穆阿尔多 |
Godard | 戈达尔 |
Ulani | 乌拉尼 |
Sabra | 萨布拉 |
Tristan | 特里斯坦 |
Odcar | 奥德卡 |
Aleksi | 阿列克西 |
Sole | 所乐 |
Paw Patrol | 爪子巡逻队 |