Your name in chinese Hendorikku
How is Hendorikku written in chinese?
Hendorikku in simplified chinese:
Hendorikku in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Hendorikku in chinese?
Hendorikku transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Hendorikku in chinese:
Picture of the name Hendorikku in chinese:

Meaning of Hendorikku characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
变 | change, transform, alter; rebel |
身 | body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 |
六 | number six |
国 | nation, country, nation-state |
Example sentences that contain Hendorikku in chinese:
Hendorikku's favorite color is blue
Hendorikku's friend has five bikes
Hendorikku now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Hendorikku in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Maelisse | 麦丽丝 |
Psyon | 心理 |
Ping Pong | 乒乓 |
Simona | 西蒙娜 |
Eusebe | 尤西比 |
Ulrica | 乌尔里卡 |
Kontol | 康托尔 |
Miguel | 米格尔 |
Nayba | 内巴 |
Oziel | 厄齐尔 |