Your name in chinese Heqing
How is Heqing written in chinese?
Heqing in simplified chinese:
Heqing in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Heqing in chinese?
Heqing transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Heqing in chinese:
Picture of the name Heqing in chinese:

Meaning of Heqing characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
鹤 | crane; Grus species (various) |
庆 | congratulate, celebrate |
Example sentences that contain Heqing in chinese:
Heqing's favorite color is yellow
Heqing wants to go to United Kingdom
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Ghaneshre | 加内什尔 |
Edvin | 埃德文 |
Jaade | 雅德 |
Laurentino | 劳伦蒂诺 |
Mack | 麦克 |
Alejandro Jose | 亚历山大·何塞 |
Yonatan | 约纳坦 |
Ashlynn | 阿什琳 |
Tatu | 大图 |
Toth | 托特 |