Your name in chinese Hilya
How is Hilya written in chinese?
Hilya in simplified chinese:
Hilya in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Hilya in chinese?
Hilya transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Hilya in chinese:
Picture of the name Hilya in chinese:

Meaning of Hilya characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
希 | rare; hope, expect, strive for |
利 | gains, advantage, profit, merit |
亚 | Asia; second |
Example sentences that contain Hilya in chinese:
Hilya's friend has seven trees
Hilya is studying chinese
Hilya now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Hilya in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Lorena Paola | 洛雷娜·保拉 |
Babar | 巴巴尔 |
Bradyn | 布雷登 |
Juancruz | 胡安克鲁斯 |
Mark Joseph | 马克约瑟夫 |
Boti | 博蒂 |
Rafael Luis | 拉斐尔·路易斯 |
Lulu | 露露 |
Wilmarie | 威尔玛丽 |
Young | 年轻的 |