Your name in chinese How

How is How written in chinese?

How in simplified chinese:


How in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce How in chinese?

How transcribed to pinyin:

zěn me

Pronunciation of How in chinese:

Picture of the name How in chinese:

The name How in chinese characters

Meaning of How characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
what? why? how?
interrogative particle; repetition of a tune small; tender

Example sentences that contain How in chinese:

How's favorite color is yellow


zěnme zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì huángsè

How wants to go to Spain


zěnme xiǎng qù xībānyá

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Alexsandra 亚历山德拉
Rosemarie 迷迭香
Clotaire 克洛泰尔
Zahrin 扎林
Maxance 麦克桑斯
Shaina 夏娜
Life 生活
Alexia Anahi 亚历克西娅·阿纳希
Ruslan 鲁斯兰
Nilz 尼尔兹

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