Your name in chinese Hud
How is Hud written in chinese?
Hud in simplified chinese:
Hud in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Hud in chinese?
Hud transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Hud in chinese:
Picture of the name Hud in chinese:
Meaning of Hud characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
哈 | sound of laughter |
德 | ethics, morality, virtue |
Example sentences that contain Hud in chinese:
Hud's favorite color is yellow
Hud is studying italian
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Karl Perrin | 卡尔·佩兰 |
Jackielou | 杰基卢 |
Pridgen | 普里金 |
Yama | 阎王 |
Kelly Leung | 梁凯莉 |
Mackie | 麦基 |
Tomy | 汤米 |
Houssam | 侯萨姆 |
Incarnation | 化身 |