Your name in chinese Huli Jing
How is Huli Jing written in chinese?
Huli Jing in simplified chinese:
Huli Jing in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Huli Jing in chinese?
Huli Jing transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Huli Jing in chinese:
Picture of the name Huli Jing in chinese:

Meaning of Huli Jing characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
胡 | recklessly, foolishly; wildly |
丽 | beautiful, magnificent, elegant |
金 | gold; metals in general; money |
Example sentences that contain Huli Jing in chinese:
Huli Jing wants to go to Spain
Huli Jing's favorite color is red
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Keylani | 凯拉尼 |
Jhony | 乔尼 |
Aqeuuf | 阿奎夫 |
Providencia | 普罗维登斯 |
Loraine | 洛琳 |
Daan | 大安 |
Doris | 多丽丝 |
Josy | 乔西 |
Daniella | 丹妮拉 |
Gay | 同性恋 |