Your name in chinese Husam

How is Husam written in chinese?

Husam in simplified chinese:


Husam in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Husam in chinese?

Husam transcribed to pinyin:

hú sà mǔ

Pronunciation of Husam in chinese:

Picture of the name Husam in chinese:

The name Husam in chinese characters

Meaning of Husam characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
recklessly, foolishly; wildly
Buddhist gods or immortals
nurse, babysitter

Example sentences that contain Husam in chinese:

Husam has given two cats a Junaid


húsàmǔ gěi zhūnàidé sòngle liǎng zhī māo

Husam is studying russian


húsàmǔ zhèngzài xuéxí èyǔ

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Yancarlos 扬卡洛斯
Hanada 花田
Roey 罗伊
Diane 黛安
Nory 诺里
Marely 马雷利
Trinidad 特立尼达
Taima 台马
Sukina 苏金娜
Juliet 朱丽叶

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