Your name in chinese Idaira

How is Idaira written in chinese?

Idaira in simplified chinese:


Idaira in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Idaira in chinese?

Idaira transcribed to pinyin:

ài tián píng

Pronunciation of Idaira in chinese:

Picture of the name Idaira in chinese:

The name Idaira in chinese characters

Meaning of Idaira characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
love, be fond of, like
field, arable land, cultivated
flat, level, even; peaceful

Example sentences that contain Idaira in chinese:

Idaira's favorite fruit is the pear


àitiánpíng zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì lízi

Idaira's favorite color is blue


àitiánpíng zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì lánsè

Idaira now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Idaira in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Rosa 玫瑰
Aitane 艾塔尼
Ayelen 艾耶伦
Zaleth 扎莱斯
Odwar 奥德瓦尔
Caesar 凯撒
Vicrosechister 维罗塞斯特
Fydji 菲吉
Aramis 阿拉米斯
Nasdin 纳斯丁

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