Your name in chinese Ikrame
How is Ikrame written in chinese?
Ikrame in simplified chinese:
Ikrame in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Ikrame in chinese?
Ikrame transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Ikrame in chinese:
Picture of the name Ikrame in chinese:

Meaning of Ikrame characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
伊 | third person pronoun; he, she, this, that |
克 | gram; overcome; transliteration |
拉 | pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen |
梅 | plums; prunes; surname |
Example sentences that contain Ikrame in chinese:
Ikrame has given three cars a Wiam
Ikrame is studying spanish
Ikrame now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Ikrame in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Jessa Irish | 杰莎爱尔兰人 |
Marcos Perez | 马科斯·佩雷斯 |
Fauna | 动物群 |
Manna | 甘露 |
Huynh | 黄 |
Folasade | 福拉萨德 |
Gisselle | 吉赛尔 |
Saldana | 萨尔达娜 |
Ishac | 伊沙克 |
Yaylin | 亚林 |