Your name in chinese In Tan

How is In Tan written in chinese?

In Tan in simplified chinese:


In Tan in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce In Tan in chinese?

In Tan transcribed to pinyin:

zài tán

Pronunciation of In Tan in chinese:

Picture of the name In Tan in chinese:

The name In Tan in chinese characters

Meaning of In Tan characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
be at, in, on; consist in, rest

Example sentences that contain In Tan in chinese:

In Tan's favorite color is yellow


zàitán zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì huángsè

In Tan has given three motorcycles a Roland


zàitán gěi luólán sòngle sān liàng mótuōchē

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

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