Your name in chinese Independence

How is Independence written in chinese?

Independence in simplified chinese:


Independence in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Independence in chinese?

Independence transcribed to pinyin:

dú lì

Pronunciation of Independence in chinese:

Picture of the name Independence in chinese:

The name Independence in chinese characters

Meaning of Independence characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
alone, single, solitary, only
stand; let stand; establish, set

Example sentences that contain Independence in chinese:

Independence's favorite fruit is the tomato


dúlì zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì fānqié

Independence has given nine books a Ellieana


dúlì gěi àilìānnà sòngle jiǔ běn shū

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Sareh 萨雷
Jenesis 珍妮丝
Izzatul 伊扎图尔
Yami Ustu 亚米乌斯图
Sayda 赛达
Husband 丈夫
Claret 红葡萄酒
Bronislawa 布罗尼斯拉瓦
Shobna 绍布纳
Berangere 贝朗热

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