Your name in chinese Independence
How is Independence written in chinese?
Independence in simplified chinese:
Independence in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Independence in chinese?
Independence transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Independence in chinese:
Picture of the name Independence in chinese:

Meaning of Independence characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
独 | alone, single, solitary, only |
立 | stand; let stand; establish, set |
Example sentences that contain Independence in chinese:
Independence's favorite fruit is the tomato
Independence has given nine books a Ellieana
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Sareh | 萨雷 |
Jenesis | 珍妮丝 |
Izzatul | 伊扎图尔 |
Yami Ustu | 亚米乌斯图 |
Sayda | 赛达 |
Husband | 丈夫 |
Claret | 红葡萄酒 |
Bronislawa | 布罗尼斯拉瓦 |
Shobna | 绍布纳 |
Berangere | 贝朗热 |