Your name in chinese Inocencia

How is Inocencia written in chinese?

Inocencia in simplified chinese:


Inocencia in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Inocencia in chinese?

Inocencia transcribed to pinyin:

yī nuò sài ēn sī yā

Pronunciation of Inocencia in chinese:

Picture of the name Inocencia in chinese:

The name Inocencia in chinese characters

Meaning of Inocencia characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
third person pronoun; he, she, this, that
promise; assent, approve
compete, contend; contest, race
kindness, mercy, charity
think, consider, ponder; final particle
particle used to express surprise or mild emphasis; (Cant.) slurred form of the number ten

Example sentences that contain Inocencia in chinese:

Inocencia wants to go to France


yīnuòsàiēnsīyā xiǎng qù fàguó

Inocencia's favorite fruit is the apple


yīnuòsàiēnsīyā zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì píngguǒ

Inocencia now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Nine 泥呢
Joziah 乔齐亚
Juan Domingo 胡安·多明戈
Anajit 阿纳吉特
Eusebe 尤西比
Eliane 埃莉安
Romay 罗马

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