Your name in chinese Iqhwan
How is Iqhwan written in chinese?
Iqhwan in simplified chinese:
Iqhwan in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Iqhwan in chinese?
Iqhwan transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Iqhwan in chinese:
Picture of the name Iqhwan in chinese:

Meaning of Iqhwan characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
宜 | suitable, right, fitting, proper |
焕 | shining |
Example sentences that contain Iqhwan in chinese:
Iqhwan's favorite color is black
Iqhwan and Daniery are very good friends
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Marina | 海军陆战队 |
Zeljka | 泽利卡 |
Tato | 塔托 |
Ilirene | 伊利林 |
Lavern | 薰衣草 |
Sahir | 萨希尔 |
Rockwell | 罗克韦尔 |
Klara | 克拉拉 |
Ophelia | 奥菲莉亚 |
Reiner | 莱纳 |