Your name in chinese Irantzu

How is Irantzu written in chinese?

Irantzu in simplified chinese:


Irantzu in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Irantzu in chinese?

Irantzu transcribed to pinyin:

lán zǔ

Pronunciation of Irantzu in chinese:

Picture of the name Irantzu in chinese:

The name Irantzu in chinese characters

Meaning of Irantzu characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
orchid; elegant, graceful
ancestor, forefather; grandfather

Example sentences that contain Irantzu in chinese:

Irantzu's friend has seven bikes


lánzǔ de péngyǒu yǒu qī liàng zìxíngchē

Irantzu has given seven bikes a Sarina


lánzǔ gěi sàlìnà sòngle qī liàng zìxíngchē

Irantzu now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Coppola 科波拉
Katita 卡蒂塔
Gemina 双子座
Kamden 坎登
Ramon 拉蒙
Jean Loup 让·卢普
Keniel 凯尼尔
Nahla 娜拉
Priscilla 普里西拉
Fisher 费舍尔

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