Your name in chinese Iriselaine

How is Iriselaine written in chinese?

Iriselaine in simplified chinese:


Iriselaine in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Iriselaine in chinese?

Iriselaine transcribed to pinyin:

ài ruì sī lái ēn

Pronunciation of Iriselaine in chinese:

Picture of the name Iriselaine in chinese:

The name Iriselaine in chinese characters

Meaning of Iriselaine characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
artemisia, mugwort; translit.
felicitous omen; auspicious
this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle
goosefoot, weed; fallow field
kindness, mercy, charity

Example sentences that contain Iriselaine in chinese:

Iriselaine's favorite color is white


àiruìsīláiēn zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì báisè

Iriselaine is studying french


àiruìsīláiēn zhèngzài xuéxí fǎwén

Iriselaine now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Riquelmy 里克尔米
Ninya 忍者
Radoslaw 拉多斯瓦夫
Chus 楚斯
Audrey Elisa 奥黛丽艾丽莎
Jamiel 贾米尔
Seraphine 塞拉芬
Kenzi 肯兹
Ermitas 冬宫
Lucay 卢凯

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