Your name in chinese Is Sam

How is Is Sam written in chinese?

Is Sam in simplified chinese:


Is Sam in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Is Sam in chinese?

Is Sam transcribed to pinyin:

shì shān mǔ má

Pronunciation of Is Sam in chinese:

Picture of the name Is Sam in chinese:

The name Is Sam in chinese characters

Meaning of Is Sam characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that
mountain, hill, peak
nurse, babysitter
final interrogative particle

Example sentences that contain Is Sam in chinese:

Is Sam's friend has four watches


shìshānmǔmá de péngyǒu yǒu sì ge shǒubiǎo

Is Sam's favorite fruit is the strawberry


shìshānmǔmá zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì cǎoméi

Is Sam now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Sammyli 萨米利
Mabelle 玛贝尔
Pipipuca 皮皮普卡
Marie Caroline 玛丽卡罗琳
Rachid 拉希德
Apolline 阿波琳
Khailani 凯拉尼
Meraly 梅拉利
Vedat 吠陀
Silvy 西尔维

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