Your name in chinese Isidre

How is Isidre written in chinese?

Isidre in simplified chinese:


Isidre in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Isidre in chinese?

Isidre transcribed to pinyin:

yī xī dé léi

Pronunciation of Isidre in chinese:

Picture of the name Isidre in chinese:

The name Isidre in chinese characters

Meaning of Isidre characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
third person pronoun; he, she, this, that
西 west(ern); westward, occident
ethics, morality, virtue

Example sentences that contain Isidre in chinese:

Isidre and Lamoi are very good friends


yīxīdéléi hé lāmòyī shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Isidre has given six cats a Lamoi


yīxīdéléi gěi lāmòyī sòngle liù zhī māo

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Jacob 雅各布
Bitoy 比特玩具
Jua Carlos 华卡洛斯
Mitzy 米齐
Luis Guarate 路易斯·瓜拉特
Yasine 亚辛
Jhozel 约泽尔
Dogwater 狗水
Anabia 阿纳比亚

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