Your name in chinese Islander

How is Islander written in chinese?

Islander in simplified chinese:


Islander in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Islander in chinese?

Islander transcribed to pinyin:

dǎo mín

Pronunciation of Islander in chinese:

Picture of the name Islander in chinese:

The name Islander in chinese characters

Meaning of Islander characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
people, subjects, citizens

Example sentences that contain Islander in chinese:

Islander has given nine televisions a Aminata


dǎomín gěi àn sòngle jiǔ tái diànshì

Islander and Aminata are very good friends


dǎomín hé àn shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Shiva 湿婆
Alethia 阿莱西亚
Marie Chantal 玛丽·尚塔尔
Oseias 奥塞亚斯
Maria Lourdes 玛丽亚·卢尔德
Dow 道指
Jaydon 杰登
Zayra 扎伊拉
Cian 钱安

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