Your name in chinese Ismeny

How is Ismeny written in chinese?

Ismeny in simplified chinese:


Ismeny in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Ismeny in chinese?

Ismeny transcribed to pinyin:

yī sī méi ní

Pronunciation of Ismeny in chinese:

Picture of the name Ismeny in chinese:

The name Ismeny in chinese characters

Meaning of Ismeny characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
third person pronoun; he, she, this, that
this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle
plums; prunes; surname
Buddhist nun; transliteration

Example sentences that contain Ismeny in chinese:

Ismeny wants to go to Mexico


yīsīméiní xiǎng qù mòxīgē

Ismeny's favorite fruit is the watermelon


yīsīméiní zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì xīguā

Ismeny now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Guilherme 吉尔赫姆
Jaggy 锯齿状
Comida 科米达
Nazia 纳齐亚
Miguel Quesada 米格尔·克萨达
Gautier 高蒂埃
Hugi 胡吉
Maillot Victor 马洛维克多
Daniela 丹妮拉
Jhonalyn 乔纳林

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