Your name in chinese Jaidyn

How is Jaidyn written in chinese?

Jaidyn in simplified chinese:


Jaidyn in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Jaidyn in chinese?

Jaidyn transcribed to pinyin:

jié yī dīng

Pronunciation of Jaidyn in chinese:

Picture of the name Jaidyn in chinese:

The name Jaidyn in chinese characters

Meaning of Jaidyn characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
hero; heroic, outstanding
third person pronoun; he, she, this, that
male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem

Example sentences that contain Jaidyn in chinese:

Jaidyn is studying spanish


jiéyīdīng zhèngzài xuéxí xībānyáyǔ

Jaidyn and Gurrea are very good friends


jiéyīdīng hé gǔléiyà shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Jaidyn now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
David Davidson 大卫戴维森
Karenine 卡列宁
Yosief 约瑟夫
Osorio 奥索里奥
Anistyn 安妮斯廷
Desmon 恶魔
Obito 带土
Nausicaa 娜乌西卡
Sanija 萨尼娅
Shamus 沙姆斯

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