Your name in chinese Jainam
How is Jainam written in chinese?
Jainam in simplified chinese:
Jainam in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Jainam in chinese?
Jainam transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Jainam in chinese:
Picture of the name Jainam in chinese:

Meaning of Jainam characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
耆 | man of sixty; aged, old |
那 | that, that one, those |
Example sentences that contain Jainam in chinese:
Jainam wants to go to Argentina
Jainam's favorite fruit is the pineapple
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Foxes | 狐狸 |
Bernat | 伯纳特 |
Pipipuca | 皮皮普卡 |
Lalia | 拉利亚 |
Ruoyi | 若依 |
Angelene | 安琪琳 |
Remaya | 雷玛亚 |
Ponpon | 蓬蓬 |
Kristiana | 克里斯蒂安娜 |
Abdelmajid | 阿卜杜勒·马吉德 |