Your name in chinese James Bang

How is James Bang written in chinese?

James Bang in simplified chinese:


James Bang in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce James Bang in chinese?

James Bang transcribed to pinyin:

zhān mǔ sī bāng

Pronunciation of James Bang in chinese:

Picture of the name James Bang in chinese:

The name James Bang in chinese characters

Meaning of James Bang characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
surname; talk too much, verbose
nurse, babysitter
this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle
· Meaning not available
nation, country, state

Example sentences that contain James Bang in chinese:

James Bang has given ten houses a Jacksonfisher


zhānmǔsībāng gěi jiékèxùnfèishèěr sòngle shí jiān fángzi

James Bang wants to go to China


zhānmǔsībāng xiǎng qù zhōngguó

James Bang now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Adiya 阿迪亚
Kamelia 卡梅利亚
Chef 厨师
Chester 切斯特
Mikey 米奇
Mag 麦格
Jamilly 贾米莉
Jeen Ceazar 吉恩·塞萨尔
Jordon 乔丹
Kitana 北名

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