Your name in chinese Jamnul

How is Jamnul written in chinese?

Jamnul in simplified chinese:


Jamnul in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Jamnul in chinese?

Jamnul transcribed to pinyin:

jiǎ mǔ nǔ ěr

Pronunciation of Jamnul in chinese:

Picture of the name Jamnul in chinese:

The name Jamnul in chinese characters

Meaning of Jamnul characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
surname; merchant; buy, trade
nurse, babysitter
to exert, strive, make an effort; to pout
you; that, those; final particle

Example sentences that contain Jamnul in chinese:

Jamnul's favorite fruit is the strawberry


jiǎmǔnǔěr zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì cǎoméi

Jamnul has given three dogs a Kimgston


jiǎmǔnǔěr gěi jīngésīdùn sòngle sān zhī gǒu

Jamnul now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Jamnul in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Laralyn 拉拉林
Ian Nicolas 伊恩·尼古拉斯
Ford 福特
Hamzose 哈姆佐泽
Lupin 羽扇豆
Janel 珍妮尔
Kaija 凯亚
Fidian 菲甸
Rosemonde 罗斯蒙德
Forbi 福比

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