Your name in chinese Jaume

How is Jaume written in chinese?

Jaume in simplified chinese:


Jaume in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Jaume in chinese?

Jaume transcribed to pinyin:

jiǔ měi

Pronunciation of Jaume in chinese:

Picture of the name Jaume in chinese:

The name Jaume in chinese characters

Meaning of Jaume characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
long time (ago); time passage, grow late
beautiful, pretty; pleasing

Example sentences that contain Jaume in chinese:

Jaume has given six cats a Taygen


jiǔměi gěi tàigēn sòngle liù zhī māo

Jaume's favorite color is blue


jiǔměi zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì lánsè

Jaume now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Jarryah 贾里亚
Saeda 早田
Alvaro 阿尔瓦罗
Cameron 卡梅伦
Zander 赞德
Vitor 维托
Shayaan 沙亚安
Dave 戴夫

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