Your name in chinese Jeronimo

How is Jeronimo written in chinese?

Jeronimo in simplified chinese:


Jeronimo in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Jeronimo in chinese?

Jeronimo transcribed to pinyin:

rè luó ní mò

Pronunciation of Jeronimo in chinese:

Picture of the name Jeronimo in chinese:

The name Jeronimo in chinese characters

Meaning of Jeronimo characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
hot; heat; fever; restless; zeal
net for catching birds; gauze
Buddhist nun; transliteration
do not, is not, can not; negative

Example sentences that contain Jeronimo in chinese:

Jeronimo has given ten cars a Waverly


rèluónímò gěi wéifúlì sòngle shí liàng chē

Jeronimo and Waverly are very good friends


rèluónímò hé wéifúlì shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Jeronimo now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Jeronimo in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Yasine 亚辛
Hafiz 哈菲兹
Mayden 迈登
Fleur 芙蓉
Jesus Alejandro 耶稣亚历杭德罗
Eiver 埃弗
Simonne 西蒙娜
Yvie 伊维
Hadja 哈嘉
Sakoni 萨科尼

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