Your name in chinese Jerry Lejero

How is Jerry Lejero written in chinese?

Jerry Lejero in simplified chinese:


Jerry Lejero in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Jerry Lejero in chinese?

Jerry Lejero transcribed to pinyin:

jié lǐ · lái jié luó

Pronunciation of Jerry Lejero in chinese:

Picture of the name Jerry Lejero in chinese:

The name Jerry Lejero in chinese characters

Meaning of Jerry Lejero characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
hero; heroic, outstanding
unit of distance; village; lane
· Meaning not available
goosefoot, weed; fallow field
hero; heroic, outstanding
net for catching birds; gauze

Example sentences that contain Jerry Lejero in chinese:

Jerry Lejero wants to go to Chile


jiélǐ·láijiéluó xiǎng qù zhìlì

Jerry Lejero has given seven books a Janii


jiélǐ·láijiéluó gěi jiǎní sòngle qī běn shū

Jerry Lejero now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Jerry Lejero in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Mialdo 米亚尔多
Alisson Alejandra 艾莉森·亚历杭德拉
Ameer 阿米尔
Roo 袋鼠
Agrippa 阿格里帕
Alexadnra 亚历山德拉
Rohit 罗希特
Morgann 摩根
Preet 普雷特
Trese 特雷斯

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