Your name in chinese Jiahui
How is Jiahui written in chinese?
Jiahui in simplified chinese:
Jiahui in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Jiahui in chinese?
Jiahui transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Jiahui in chinese:
Picture of the name Jiahui in chinese:

Meaning of Jiahui characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
家 | house, home, residence; family |
辉 | brightness, luster, brilliance |
Example sentences that contain Jiahui in chinese:
Jiahui is studying japanese
Jiahui's favorite fruit is the banana
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Milouann | 米卢安 |
Kyran | 凯兰 |
Tancrede | 坦克雷德 |
Georget | 乔治 |
Fructuoso | 卓有成效 |
Tehylor | 泰勒 |
Aaliha | 阿利哈 |
Jorge Antonio | 豪尔赫·安东尼奥 |
Crilo | 克里洛 |
Tanjiro | 炭治郎 |