Your name in chinese Jiaxin

How is Jiaxin written in chinese?

Jiaxin in simplified chinese:


Jiaxin in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Jiaxin in chinese?

Jiaxin transcribed to pinyin:

jiā xìn

Pronunciation of Jiaxin in chinese:

Picture of the name Jiaxin in chinese:

The name Jiaxin in chinese characters

Meaning of Jiaxin characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
excellent; joyful; auspicious
trust, believe; letter

Example sentences that contain Jiaxin in chinese:

Jiaxin is studying russian


jiāxìn zhèngzài xuéxí èyǔ

Jiaxin's favorite color is pink


jiāxìn zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì fěnsè

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Santy 桑蒂
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Miguel Francisco 米格尔·弗朗西斯科
Jazmyn 贾兹明
Alfiya 阿尔菲亚
Hulya 胡利亚
Madalee 马达利

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