Your name in chinese Jibran
How is Jibran written in chinese?
Jibran in simplified chinese:
Jibran in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Jibran in chinese?
Jibran transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Jibran in chinese:
Picture of the name Jibran in chinese:

Meaning of Jibran characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
吉 | lucky, propitious, good |
布 | cotton cloth, textiles, linen |
兰 | orchid; elegant, graceful |
Example sentences that contain Jibran in chinese:
Jibran has given two watches a Brendan
Jibran's favorite fruit is the pineapple
Jibran now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Jibran in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Steve Velazquez | 史蒂夫·委拉斯开兹 |
Danton | 丹东 |
Slut | 荡妇 |
Latoya | 拉托亚 |
Domenica | 多梅尼卡 |
Truman | 特鲁曼 |
Melchor | 梅尔乔 |
Juvenal | 尤文纳尔 |
Wealth King | 财富大王 |
Jaky | 杰基 |