Your name in chinese Jila
How is Jila written in chinese?
Jila in simplified chinese:
Jila in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Jila in chinese?
Jila transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Jila in chinese:
Picture of the name Jila in chinese:

Meaning of Jila characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
吉 | lucky, propitious, good |
拉 | pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen |
Example sentences that contain Jila in chinese:
Jila wants to go to Chile
Jila's friend has five bikes
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Ezechiel | 以西结 |
Nalani | 纳拉尼 |
Maria Aurora | 玛丽亚·奥罗拉 |
Paola Leslie | 保拉·莱斯利 |
Aberanr | 阿伯兰 |
Esther Maria | 以斯帖·玛丽亚 |
Blaine | 布莱恩 |
Hajatou | 哈亚图 |
Aivren | 艾夫伦 |
Etienne | 艾蒂安 |