Your name in chinese John Whitehead

How is John Whitehead written in chinese?

John Whitehead in simplified chinese:


John Whitehead in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce John Whitehead in chinese?

John Whitehead transcribed to pinyin:

yuē hàn huái tè hēi dé

Pronunciation of John Whitehead in chinese:

Picture of the name John Whitehead in chinese:

The name John Whitehead in chinese characters

Meaning of John Whitehead characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
treaty, agreement, covenant
writing brush, pen, pencil
怀 bosom, breast; carry in bosom
special, unique, distinguished
black; dark; evil, sinister
ethics, morality, virtue

Example sentences that contain John Whitehead in chinese:

John Whitehead is studying french


yuēhànhuáitèhēidé zhèngzài xuéxí fǎwén

John Whitehead and Grieve are very good friends


yuēhànhuáitèhēidé hé bēishāng shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

John Whitehead now also in japanese

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