Your name in chinese Jose Felipe

How is Jose Felipe written in chinese?

Jose Felipe in simplified chinese:


Jose Felipe in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Jose Felipe in chinese?

Jose Felipe transcribed to pinyin:

hé sāi · fèi lì pèi

Pronunciation of Jose Felipe in chinese:

Picture of the name Jose Felipe in chinese:

The name Jose Felipe in chinese characters

Meaning of Jose Felipe characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
what, why, where, which, how
stop up, block, seal, cork; pass, frontier; fortress
· Meaning not available
expenses, expenditures, fee
gains, advantage, profit, merit
belt ornament, pendant; wear at waist, tie to the belt; respect

Example sentences that contain Jose Felipe in chinese:

Jose Felipe and Iram are very good friends


hésāi·fèilìpèi hé yīlāmǔ shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Jose Felipe wants to go to Argentina


hésāi·fèilìpèi xiǎng qù āgēntíng

Jose Felipe now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Inesa 伊内萨
Blackie 黑人
Edahi 枝日
Chandel 钱德尔
Jionni 乔尼
Addelynn 阿德林
Felix Jose 费利克斯·约瑟
Greysly 灰色的
Jannier 詹尼尔
Tihah 蒂哈

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