Your name in chinese Joua

How is Joua written in chinese?

Joua in simplified chinese:


Joua in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Joua in chinese?

Joua transcribed to pinyin:

qiáo ā

Pronunciation of Joua in chinese:

Picture of the name Joua in chinese:

The name Joua in chinese characters

Meaning of Joua characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
tall, lofty; proud, stately
exclamation due to surprise

Example sentences that contain Joua in chinese:

Joua is studying italian


qiáoā zhèngzài xuéxí yìdàlìwén

Joua has given ten cats a Calaya


qiáoā gěi qiǎlāyà sòngle shí zhī māo

Joua now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Joua in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Juanas 胡纳斯
Saadia 萨迪亚
Verligkas 维利卡斯
Tasnim 塔斯尼姆
Musgo 穆斯戈
Martins 马丁斯
Amandio 阿曼迪奥
Ortega 奥尔特加
Owl 猫头鹰
Shaunderr 肖德尔

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