Your name in chinese Juan Bautista

How is Juan Bautista written in chinese?

Juan Bautista in simplified chinese:


Juan Bautista in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Juan Bautista in chinese?

Juan Bautista transcribed to pinyin:

shī xǐ yuē hàn

Pronunciation of Juan Bautista in chinese:

Picture of the name Juan Bautista in chinese:

The name Juan Bautista in chinese characters

Meaning of Juan Bautista characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
grant, bestow; give; act; name
wash, rinse; clean, purify
treaty, agreement, covenant
writing brush, pen, pencil

Example sentences that contain Juan Bautista in chinese:

Juan Bautista has given eight books a Drishti


shīxǐyuēhàn gěi délǐshídì sòngle bā běn shū

Juan Bautista's favorite fruit is the orange


shīxǐyuēhàn zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì chéngzi

Juan Bautista now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

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Yeraly 耶拉利
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