Your name in chinese Juan Bautista
How is Juan Bautista written in chinese?
Juan Bautista in simplified chinese:
Juan Bautista in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Juan Bautista in chinese?
Juan Bautista transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Juan Bautista in chinese:
Picture of the name Juan Bautista in chinese:

Meaning of Juan Bautista characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
施 | grant, bestow; give; act; name |
洗 | wash, rinse; clean, purify |
约 | treaty, agreement, covenant |
翰 | writing brush, pen, pencil |
Example sentences that contain Juan Bautista in chinese:
Juan Bautista is studying spanish
Juan Bautista has given two books a Brent
Juan Bautista now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Juan Bautista in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Ozzy | 奥兹 |
Mitsuki | 美月 |
Kelpie | 凯尔派 |
Kintaro | 金太郎 |
Paber | 帕伯 |
Taziana | 塔齐亚娜 |
Leya | 蕾雅 |
Niu | 牛 |
Sylvanie | 西尔瓦妮 |
Ramses | 拉美西斯 |