Your name in chinese Juanjose

How is Juanjose written in chinese?

Juanjose in simplified chinese:


Juanjose in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Juanjose in chinese?

Juanjose transcribed to pinyin:

hú ān hé sāi

Pronunciation of Juanjose in chinese:

Picture of the name Juanjose in chinese:

The name Juanjose in chinese characters

Meaning of Juanjose characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
recklessly, foolishly; wildly
peaceful, tranquil, quiet
what, why, where, which, how
stop up, block, seal, cork; pass, frontier; fortress

Example sentences that contain Juanjose in chinese:

Juanjose is studying french


húānhésāi zhèngzài xuéxí fǎwén

Juanjose's friend has three books


húānhésāi de péngyǒu yǒu sān běn shū

Juanjose now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

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Obber 奥伯
Anel 安内尔
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