Your name in chinese Julia Krenz

How is Julia Krenz written in chinese?

Julia Krenz in simplified chinese:


Julia Krenz in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Julia Krenz in chinese?

Julia Krenz transcribed to pinyin:

zhū lì yà kè lún cí

Pronunciation of Julia Krenz in chinese:

Picture of the name Julia Krenz in chinese:

The name Julia Krenz in chinese characters

Meaning of Julia Krenz characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
cinnabar, vermilion; surname
white jasmine
mutual term of address used by sons-in-law; a brother-in-law
gram; overcome; transliteration
normal human relationships
thatching; caltrop, Tribulus terrestris

Example sentences that contain Julia Krenz in chinese:

Julia Krenz's favorite fruit is the peach


zhūlìyàkèlúncí zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì táozi

Julia Krenz and Kenjie are very good friends


zhūlìyàkèlúncí hé kěnjié shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Julia Krenz now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Julia Krenz in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

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Kobie 科比
Elouen 艾洛恩
Tunaruz 图纳鲁兹
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