Your name in chinese Ka Nic

How is Ka Nic written in chinese?

Ka Nic in simplified chinese:


Ka Nic in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Ka Nic in chinese?

Ka Nic transcribed to pinyin:

qiǎ ní kè

Pronunciation of Ka Nic in chinese:

Picture of the name Ka Nic in chinese:

The name Ka Nic in chinese characters

Meaning of Ka Nic characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
card, punch card; calorie
Buddhist nun; transliteration
gram; overcome; transliteration

Example sentences that contain Ka Nic in chinese:

Ka Nic has given nine motorcycles a Keilvin


qiǎníkè gěi kǎiěrwén sòngle jiǔ liàng mótuōchē

Ka Nic is studying russian


qiǎníkè zhèngzài xuéxí èyǔ

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Sheku 蛇库
Devraj 德夫拉吉
Lu Han 鹿晗
Honor 荣誉
Iraitz 伊拉兹
Morticia 莫蒂西亚
Little Dawn 小黎明
Rosa 玫瑰
Saniyya 萨尼亚
Kuca 库卡

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