Your name in chinese Kaelyn

How is Kaelyn written in chinese?

Kaelyn in simplified chinese:


Kaelyn in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Kaelyn in chinese?

Kaelyn transcribed to pinyin:

kǎi lín

Pronunciation of Kaelyn in chinese:

Picture of the name Kaelyn in chinese:

The name Kaelyn in chinese characters

Meaning of Kaelyn characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
triumphant; triumph, victory
beautiful jade, gem

Example sentences that contain Kaelyn in chinese:

Kaelyn's friend has four bikes


kǎilín de péngyǒu yǒu sì liàng zìxíngchē

Kaelyn is studying russian


kǎilín zhèngzài xuéxí èyǔ

Kaelyn now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Nicolaw 尼科洛
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Jill 吉尔
Ile 伊莱
Dominga 多明加
Andree Deborah 安德烈·黛博拉
Nadxelli 纳德克塞利
Aliou 阿留
Zayyan 扎扬

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