Your name in chinese Kaiss

How is Kaiss written in chinese?

Kaiss in simplified chinese:


Kaiss in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Kaiss in chinese?

Kaiss transcribed to pinyin:

kǎi sī

Pronunciation of Kaiss in chinese:

Picture of the name Kaiss in chinese:

The name Kaiss in chinese characters

Meaning of Kaiss characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
triumphant; triumph, victory
silk; fine thread; wire; strings

Example sentences that contain Kaiss in chinese:

Kaiss wants to go to United Kingdom


kǎisī xiǎng qù yīngguó

Kaiss and Henry Eduardo are very good friends


kǎisī hé hēnglì·àidéhuáduō shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Kaiss now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Kaiss in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Halima 哈利马
Aricka 阿里卡
Jaci 雅奇
Efrain 埃弗拉因
Micki 米奇
Tano 田野
Moeller 默勒
Jayka 杰卡
Alysha 阿丽莎
Mery 梅里

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