Your name in chinese Kakashe
How is Kakashe written in chinese?
Kakashe in simplified chinese:
Kakashe in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Kakashe in chinese?
Kakashe transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Kakashe in chinese:
Picture of the name Kakashe in chinese:

Meaning of Kakashe characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
卡 | card, punch card; calorie |
卡 | card, punch card; calorie |
什 | file of ten soldiers; mixed, miscellaneous |
Example sentences that contain Kakashe in chinese:
Kakashe's favorite color is blue
Kakashe wants to go to Peru
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Severus | 西弗勒斯 |
Gorka | 高尔卡 |
Mbarek | 姆巴雷克 |
Kisame | 鬼鲛 |
Raymonde | 雷蒙德 |
Ruel | 鲁尔 |
Jorge Armando | 豪尔赫·阿曼多 |
Marie Rose | 玛丽·罗斯 |
Meer | 梅尔 |
Emrys | 埃姆里斯 |