Your name in chinese Kaleesi

How is Kaleesi written in chinese?

Kaleesi in simplified chinese:


Kaleesi in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Kaleesi in chinese?

Kaleesi transcribed to pinyin:

qiǎ lái xī

Pronunciation of Kaleesi in chinese:

Picture of the name Kaleesi in chinese:

The name Kaleesi in chinese characters

Meaning of Kaleesi characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
card, punch card; calorie
goosefoot, weed; fallow field
西 west(ern); westward, occident

Example sentences that contain Kaleesi in chinese:

Kaleesi's favorite fruit is the orange


qiǎláixī zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì chéngzi

Kaleesi's friend has four bikes


qiǎláixī de péngyǒu yǒu sì liàng zìxíngchē

Kaleesi now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Joseph Mendiola 约瑟夫·门迪奥拉
Kristina 克里斯蒂娜
Hani 哈尼
Lannes 兰斯
Lobna 洛布娜
Prair 草原
Vance 万斯
Jacoby Carl 雅各比·卡尔
Elea 艾莉亚
Kim Shea In 金谢仁

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