Your name in chinese Kallyn
How is Kallyn written in chinese?
Kallyn in simplified chinese:
Kallyn in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Kallyn in chinese?
Kallyn transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Kallyn in chinese:
Picture of the name Kallyn in chinese:

Meaning of Kallyn characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
凯 | triumphant; triumph, victory |
琳 | beautiful jade, gem |
Example sentences that contain Kallyn in chinese:
Kallyn has given two bikes a Iraide
Kallyn's friend has two bikes
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Samuli | 萨穆里 |
Baldy | 秃头 |
Bai | 白 |
Ardiansyah | 阿迪安夏 |
Jorge Manuel | 豪尔赫·曼努埃尔 |
Lamisha | 拉米沙 |
Jory | 乔里 |
Fouza | 福萨 |
Marisol | 马里索尔 |
Celestine Jomerose | 塞莱斯汀·乔梅罗斯 |