Your name in chinese Kamal Pannu
How is Kamal Pannu written in chinese?
Kamal Pannu in simplified chinese:
Kamal Pannu in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Kamal Pannu in chinese?
Kamal Pannu transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Kamal Pannu in chinese:
Picture of the name Kamal Pannu in chinese:

Meaning of Kamal Pannu characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
卡 | card, punch card; calorie |
马 | horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 |
尔 | you; that, those; final particle |
潘 | surname; water in which rice has been rinsed; a river that flows into the Han |
努 | to exert, strive, make an effort; to pout |
Example sentences that contain Kamal Pannu in chinese:
Kamal Pannu's favorite fruit is the pear
Kamal Pannu's favorite color is yellow
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Jay Ann | 杰伊安 |
Ethel | 埃塞尔 |
Hollie | 霍利 |
Bhrionne | 布里翁 |
Boliviano | 玻利维亚诺 |
Fluffy | 蓬松的 |
Maria Jose | 玛丽亚·何塞 |
Bai Lian | 白莲 |
Zorica | 佐里卡 |
Mule | 骡子 |