Your name in chinese Kao

How is Kao written in chinese?

Kao in simplified chinese:


Kao in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Kao in chinese?

Kao transcribed to pinyin:

huā wáng

Pronunciation of Kao in chinese:

Picture of the name Kao in chinese:

The name Kao in chinese characters

Meaning of Kao characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
flower; blossoms
king, ruler; royal; surname

Example sentences that contain Kao in chinese:

Kao has given three trees a Stefanie


huāwáng gěi sīdìfēnnī sòngle sān kē shù

Kao's favorite color is red


huāwáng zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì hóngsè

Kao now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Kao in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Brian Lam 布赖恩林
Ghita 吉塔
Walid 瓦利德
Violet 紫罗兰
Karl 卡尔
Jesus Rafael 耶稣拉斐尔
Loise 洛伊丝
Tamsyn 坦森
Haringes 哈林斯
Milet 米勒

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