Your name in chinese Kath

How is Kath written in chinese?

Kath in simplified chinese:


Kath in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Kath in chinese?

Kath transcribed to pinyin:

kǎi sī

Pronunciation of Kath in chinese:

Picture of the name Kath in chinese:

The name Kath in chinese characters

Meaning of Kath characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
triumphant; triumph, victory
silk; fine thread; wire; strings

Example sentences that contain Kath in chinese:

Kath wants to go to Spain


kǎisī xiǎng qù xībānyá

Kath is studying chinese


kǎisī zhèngzài xuéxí zhōngwén

Kath now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Kath in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Dad 爸爸
Gonzalo Javier 贡萨洛·哈维尔
Zuey 祖伊
Culo 库洛
Jamin 贾敏
Alexander 亚力山大
Ahlani 阿兰尼
Dair 代尔
Alf 阿尔夫
Erik Marca 埃里克·马卡

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